




Expanding nutrition literacy through gaming, music and storytelling

Meet Lil Sugar, a cute little bastard, who also happens to be a master os disguise, each one of them representing a substance that is, essentially, sugar, and some can be found in hundreds of products. Lil Sugar uses these disguises to break into food and wreak havoc in people's health. But now that his cover is blown, it's up to you to catch him hiding in plain sight.


The music video

Rap legend Darryl “DMC” McDaniels from RUN DMC helps us introduce Lil Sugar and expose some of its disguises


The why

There are at least 150 different names for sugar found in 74% of packaged goods in the us.

Learning about the many different disguises sugar may have helps us all make better decisions.



Gamifies vital health education



Gives parents, caregivers and kids an opportunity to learn together


the website

Works as a hub with nutritional information and links to updates and seasonal activities.



Cannes 2022

United Nations Grand Prix for Good

Health & Wellness - Gold

Health & Wellness - Silver

Clios Health 2022

Health & Wellness Audio Craft Music - Gold

Health & Wellness Film - Gold

Health & Wellness Film Craft Music - Gold

Health & Wellness Audio Other - Silver

Health & Wellness Audio Craft Copywriting - Silver

Health & Wellness Design Craft Typography - Silver

Health & Wellness Digital/Mobile & Social Media - Silver

Health & Wellness Digital/Mobile Apps - Silver

Health & Wellness Direct Film - Silver

Health & Wellness Film Craft Copywriting - Silver

Health & Wellness Film Craft Animation - Silver

Health & Wellness Integrated Campaign - Silver

The One show 2022: 

Print - Gold

Print - Silver

D&AD 2022

Animation: Graphite Pencil


Craft Grand LIA - Health & Wellness

Gold - Health & Wellness: Public Service

Gold - Health & Wellness: Craft Animation

Gold - Health & Wellness: Craft Art Direction

Gold - Health & Wellness: Illustration

Bronze - Print: Copywriting Campaign

Creative floor 2022

Illustration - Winner

Animation - Winner

Art Direction - Winner

Branding - Winner

Sound Design - Winner